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Reasons to Build a Micro AR Pistol

Reasons to Build a Micro AR Pistol

Posted by MCS GEAR UP on Mar 12th 2025

Ask a dozen shooters why they prefer compact platforms like those that can be assembled from a micro AR pistol build kit and you’ll likely get as many different answers. The simple truth is that tastes and preferences vary. Not everyone likes the same things. But with that being said, there are plenty of good reasons to look for an ultra-compact AR pistol build kit. These are just a few of the best ones.

Easy Handling

No matter how you look at it, an AR pistol build is going to yield a smaller, lighter firearm than a build kit for a full-sized rifle or even a carbine.  This results in a smaller, handgun-like platform that is more responsive in the hand and which points and shoots faster - even if it is louder, dirtier, and produces a heck of a lot of recoil.  Those things can be changed with the addition of a pistol brace, a suppressor or AR 15 muzzle brake, and other upgrades, though, so there are ways around them.

Better in Close Quarters 

One of the best arguments in favor of a micro AR pistol build kit is that their ultra-compact footprint makes them better in close quarters.  This means that in the close confines of a truck, a hallway or a room in your home, it’ll be easier for you to engage a hostile target with a much shorter, smaller, lighter AR pistol.  This is a distinct advantage over full-sized rifles, carbine-length rifles and even short barrel rifles, as micro AR pistols are smaller and handle more quickly than all of these.

More Compact Footprint; Better Concealment 

Another great thing about a micro AR pistol is that, while it might not be as easy to conceal as a subcompact handgun, it can still give you rifle-sized firepower in a substantially reduced package.  This makes it easier to conceal - whether in your home, in a truck, or elsewhere - and since AR pistols are not NFA items, traveling across state lines, or anywhere, is less restrictive.  Basically, being treated as a handgun, your CCW permit is likely all you need to carry (if that applies at all, always defer to all local and state laws as this is not legal counsel).

Full Firepower 

Lastly, and perhaps the main reason to complete your project with a micro AR pistol build kit is that it will offer you full firepower.  While there are pistol-caliber carbines out there (PCCs) as well as AR pistols chambered in handgun rounds, there are plenty others that are chambered in rifle cartridges, like 5.56, .223, and 7.62x39mm, all of which offer substantially greater stopping power and penetrating potential than even the most powerful handgun cartridges.  So basically, with a micro AR pistol, you get full-sized firepower in a much smaller package that offers all of the other benefits already listed.

Ways to Make a Micro AR Pistol Even Smaller 

One thing AR builders are constantly striving to do is make their builds even smaller. While you can start with a compact build kit, switching out some parts or taking specific alternative routes, you can make the build even smaller and more compact than it was to begin with.

Get a 5 Inch AR Pistol Upper

One of the most popular sizes in AR pistol uppers is a 7.5 inch AR pistol upper. These are lighter and offer good handling without compromising too much on how much powder gets wasted due to the short barrel.  If you want to make your AR pistol ultra-compact, consider a build with a 5 inch AR pistol upper, and if not, swap the barrel for a 5 inch barrel.  Go with a 5 inch AR pistol upper and the gun will shoot dirtier, be very loud, have a lot of muzzle and port pop, and won’t produce the same muzzle velocities as a 7.5 inch or even a 10 inch barrel, but it will be truly compact.

Use a Short Buffer Tube 

Short buffer systems like our 3 inch buffer tube systems can take an already compact AR15 pistol and make it even more compact, yielding a lighter platform that’s easier both to handle and conceal.

Go Bufferless 


Alternatively, if you really want to ratchet down the size of your AR 15 pistol, you can go entirely bufferless.  There are completely bufferless AR15 pistol uppers that utilize a blowback action rather than a short buffer system to cycle the works.  These eliminate your need for a buffer system entirely, cutting back on the overall length of the platform, making things super compact.

Here for Micro AR Pistol Build Kits or Parts? 

Whether you’re here for a micro AR pistol build kit, a 5 inch AR pistol upper, or a short buffer system, we have what you need to create the ultimate compact build. Shop our full collections and get in touch with us at for more information.