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Push Button Safety for 223/308 with Pin and Spring, Black Carbon Steel.
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Slick product
Perfect solution for my billet 80% lower without safe/fire markings. This push button safety looks ultra clean, installs easily, and functions perfectly. And my order processed and shipped quickly.
Button safety
I purchase these for older friends that have just a little difficulty using the standard AR safety levers.
It’s so easily to control this button switch. Once you start using them, it just becomes a part of your body function.
Absolutely amazing!
Ty -
My order
Difficult to move,hopefully will get easier with time.
Push button safety
Fast shipping, product works perfectly.
Push Button Safety
Great price and shipping. The safety was easy to install and fit perfectly.
Cool cross bolt safety
I really like cross bolt safeties and there aren't many out there on the market. This is a direct competitor to the Elftmann speed safety and it's also half the price. If you haven't tried a cross bolt safety for the AR15 platform I suggest you try... it's nice and this offers a very budget friendly way to try one. This functions 100% and the only thing I would change is having a more tactile click when engaging and disengaging the safety. Works prefect though and if you're running a PDW brace or stock with the bars that run over your safety selection and rear takedown pin, this is a perfect solution to that. Even if you're not running a PDW stock, this is just a good functioning, technically ambidextrous, cross bolt safety for the AR15 platform. They ship quick too which is also a plus in my book. Very happy with all the quality of parts I've ordered so far and just as impressed with the speed of the their shipping.
Great push button safety!
Being left-handed, I've always had trouble with the safety digging into my hand. This push-button safety took that out of the equation. Glad I found this product!
Glad someone thought of this!
Being a lefty, normal AR safeties are kind of in my way. This push button safety for AR's is just what the Doctor ordered!
Push button safety
I am a first time buyer at MCSGEARUP, I ordered the push button safety and was very pleased at the quality of the material and fit. It was shipped to me quickly and I like the fit and finished dropped in no problem work immediately with smooth function.